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    Food and Resource Economics Department

    Food and Resource Economics Department

Dr. Maira Emy Reimão

Assistant Professor, Development Economics

Dr. Maira Reimmão's research program is in development economics, particularly gender, migration, and labor.

Some of Dr. Reimmão's current research topics include the effect of temporary migration on beliefs and social norms; the relationship between temporary migration and urbanization; migration and those who stay behind; childcare and other policies aimed at increasing female labor force participation;  and measurements of empowerment and agency.

Dr Reimmão teaches Comparative World Agriculture (AEB 3671) and International Humanitarian Assistance (AEB 4282).

  • Research


    Enabling women to stay in the labor force and increasing their earnings in the long-run are often raised as arguments for expanding access to childcare. Under this research program, Dr. Reimão is studying the effect of a free daycare program in Rio de Janeiro on women's employment, household income, and household living conditions.


    Temporary migration is a common coping strategy used by poor rural households in developing countries to weather lean seasons. Dr. Reimão is part of a team investigating the impact of subsidies to seasonal migration in Bangladesh, and leads research on the effect of this pattern on gender and social norms and on the relationship between temporary and permanent migration over time.

  • Teaching

    AEB 3671 Comparative World Agriculture

    This is an online course covering agricultural issues in the European Union, Russia and the former Soviet Union, South America, Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Oceania. Each module (based on a region) briefly covers the historical development, the current situation, and the outlook of the food and agriculture sector before delving more deeply into the economic and trade environment surrounding agricultural policy in select countries in each region.

    AEB 4282 International Humanitarian Assistance

    This course is an examination of humanitarian aid, or actions and funding decisions intended to “save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity during and in the aftermath of emergencies”. AEB 4282 covers the origins and principles of humanitarian assistance as well as related legal, political, and economic considerations, and explores the practice of humanitarian work, along with real challenges, complexities faced, and lessons learned through case studies.

Maira Reimão


1123 MCCB

  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California - Davis, 2016
      fields: development and public economics
    • M.Phil in Development Studies, University of Oxford, 2008
    • B.S. in Foreign Service, Georgetown University, 2006
  • Publications