Dr. Sherry Larkin
Professor and Director, Florida Sea Grant
Sherry Larkin is a natural resource and environmental economist tenured in the Food and Resource Economics Department at UF. She earned her Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics from Oregon State University in 1998 and has been a faculty member at UF/IFAS since 2000. She has maintained a 70 percent research and 30 percent teaching appointment from 2000 through mid-2014, at which point she moved into the Dean for Research Office. She held a 100 percent administrative appointment as an Associate Dean for Research and Associated Director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station (FAES) until March 2020. She currently serves as the director of the Florida Sea Grant College Program.
In the profession, Dr. Larkin has served as an elected member of the executive committee for the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) and the president of the North American Association of Fisheries Economics (NAAFE). She was also an associate editor of the journal Marine Resource Economics from 2000-2015.
In the policy arena, Dr. Larkin has been actively involved in fisheries management by serving on the Scientific and Statistical Committees (SSC) for both the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Councils. In addition to seafood and fisheries, Dr. Larkin’s research has studied the economic valuation of non-market benefits associated with alternative production techniques in farming and forestry, programs to improve water quality (including harmful algal blooms or HABs), and the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Current government panels:
- Appointed Member, HAB/Red Tide Task Force, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) (August 2019 – present)
- Member, Committee on the Use of LAPPs in Mixed-Use Fisheries, National Academies of Science, Engineering and Math (NAS) (March 2020 – June 2021)
Frequently requested documents:
- Testimony before the U.S. Supreme Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Hearing: "Threats Facing Florida's Tourism Driven Economy" (August 2017)
- Research Administration Information:
- Informal videos on the research enterprise and IDC
- My view of research: A pyramid to explain direct versus indirect costs of sponsored projects
- FAQs on Indirect costs (IDC) with my answers
- Huffaker, Ray G., Rodney L. Clouser and Sherry L. Larkin. Contract for Analytical Services Related to the Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Estimation of Lost Indirect and Passive Use Economic Value to Floridians. Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Final Report to the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research, March 30, 2012. pp. 558.
- Ph.D Agricultural and Resource Economics from Oregon State University 1998
- MS Agricultural Economics from the University of Arizona 1990
- BS Agriculture Economics from Washington State University 1988
- Publications