Food and Resource Economics Department

    Food and Resource Economics Department


Freshman Admits under 60 credit hours --

  • 2.0 Overall GPA (required)
  • 2.0 Critical Tracking GPA (ACG2021, MAC2233, STA2023, ECO2013) including all attempts
  • Less than 60 UF Hours

Freshman Admits over 60 credit hours OR Transfer Admits--

  • 2.0 Overall GPA (required)
  • 2.0 Critical Tracking GPA including ALL attempts
  • ALL Critical Tracking must be completed. Transfer students must have completed this prior to admission to UF under firstly intended major
  • Will not run into significant excess hours to complete the degree program
  • 2.25 AEB GPA highly recommended if some coursework has been completed


  • 1. Meet with our undergraduate academic advisor (email to schedule)
  • 2. During the meeting, our undergraduate academic advisor will advise next steps. If approved, you will complete the following:

    -Change of Major Form (Signed and Transported to the CALS Dean’s Office in 2020 McCarty Hall D for Processing)

    -Change of Major Agreement (Signed and Processed by FRE)

    -Copy of your Academic Checklist and Plan for your records

    -If Overall GPA is below a 2.25 or demonstrate academics that warrant at risk, you may also be placed on the Plan for Academic Student Success (PASS) as a condition of your Change of Major

Bring any additional information that will help evaluate your academics that is currently not included on your student record in myUFL (I.e. credit that is not yet posted on your account)


1. I have holds on my account! Can I change my major to have them removed?

Holds relating to tracking or your previous major are removed upon successful completion of change of major. If these holds are still remaining once your account is read as FRE, please contact

2. I am in need of finding another major, but plan on switching back to my previous major. Can I still change my major to FRE?

We allow students 1 courtesy semester where they track for BOTH FRE and their previous major. A registration hold will be placed on your account once you register so you may not register for an additional semester. To remove the hold, you will need to either switch back to your previous major or demonstrate progress towards the FRE major.

3. My Critical Tracking GPA is below a 2.0 (Freshman Admit under 60 credits). Does this mean I am not able to change my major?

This is reviewed on a case by case basis. If we feel you have several courses left in tracking and should be able to bring up the critical tracking GPA to a 2.0 in one term, the department may choose to conditionally change your major for 1 term.

4. What is PASS? Can I opt out of this program if it is a condition of my Change of Major?

Plan for Academic Student Success is a student support program developed within the Food and Resource Economics Department. The program does not reflect on your academic record, but is used to provide additional support during your first semester in the department. If you are placed on the program as part of your Change of Major, you must participate in the program. Failure to participate in the program will result in a hold being place on your account.

5. I like Food and Resource Economics, but am unsure if I want to declare a major in the subject. What are some classes I can take to help with my decision?

If you are unsure about if you would like to declare a major in FRE, it is suggested to take a class or two from our Food and Resource Economics minor or our Management and Sales in Agribusiness minor. Completing critical tracking coursework will be the best indicator of success in the major, so it is suggested to complete this coursework first.

6. How long does it take to change my major?

Please allow 2-3 Business Days for your change of major to be processed. However, most change of majors take much sooner.


FRE Undergraduate Academic Advising
1170 MCCA