Food and Resource Economics Department

    Food and Resource Economics Department


Undergrad Internship Program

The Food and Resource Economics Department encourages students to seek high-quality internships that are directly related to their academic major and career field. The work experience is conducted under approved business, industrial, institutional or governmental agency supervision, or other industries related to the Food and Resource Economics major. Intern positions are expected to enhance the student’s classroom experience and apply what is learned in the classroom.

Students are expected to complete assignments including the creation of an ePortfolio. They must provide contact information for their internship supervisor to facilitate a final evaluation of work. The ePortfolio and all evaluations must be submitted prior to the last day of Summer C classes.

To learn more about this course and the expectations, please email FRE advising (

NOTE: We DO NOT award retroactive credit. It is also suggested that students on F-1 Visas also work with the UF International Center to ensure all documents are submitted to avoid jeopardizing visa status. 

  • Credit

    Credit received for an internship is based on the number of contact hours worked in the internship:

    • 1 credit = 120 hours
    • 2 credits = 240 hours
    • 3 credits = 360 hours

    To receive credit, you must have the Food and Resource Economics Department advising staff register you. Tuition is charged for the number of credits that correspond with the number of hours your work.

    Please Note: Students who are currently working on Critical Tracking or on Academic Probation are not eligible for Internship Credit. Students also may only sign up for the internship for credit course ONCE (no matter the credits) unless approved by the department for additional internship credit.

  • Course Assignments
    1. Formal Evaluations

      Before submitting your e-Portfolio, you will want to engage in a formal evaluation meeting between you and your supervisor. 2 weeks prior to the conclusion of your internship OR the end of the semester (whichever happens first), a DocuSign document will be sent to you and the supervisor of record. Within two weeks, review the document, and sit down with your supervisor to discuss it. An evaluation of the supervisor will be sent to you to fill out (suggest filling this out prior to the meeting), and a student evaluation will be sent to the supervisor that is suggested to be completed during the meeting. After receiving these documents (automatically once completed), both documents will be uploaded to the assignment in Canvas as submission comments for the student's review.
    2. Final Project: ePortfolio

      Using the Canvas e-Portfolio tool (or another similar e-portfolio website), complete an in-depth portfolio of your internship experience. This should be used to showcase your growth throughout the internships and your accomplishments and reflection upon completion. Each portfolio is expected to include artifacts to enhance the portfolio. We hope upon finishing the portfolio that you would feel comfortable sharing this on social media such as LinkedIn to summarize your experience in a creative way.

      The number of artifacts required depends on the number of credits you are enrolled in. Though, we do encourage additional artifacts!

      1 creditMinimum of 3 Artifacts
      2 creditsMinimum of 5 Artifacts
      3 creditsMinimum of 8 Artifacts

      Where you place these artifacts is up to you, but should enhance the communication of your internship and paint a picture of your development and experience.