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    Food and Resource Economics Department

    Food and Resource Economics Department

Economic Impact Analysis

Disaster Impact Analysis

Natural and human-induced disaster events can cause a variety of damages that result in economic losses to many segments of the economy. The EIAP is recognized as a reliable and unbiased source for timely provision of credible estimates of the agricultural losses associated with disaster events in Florida and also has expertise in assessing the economic losses associated with marine hazard events such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and harmful algal blooms as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. Information about current projects as well as recent EIAP reports and academic publications that employ general regional economic analysis methods can be found on this page. Data visualizations associated with several projects are also available on the EIAP Data Platform. Outputs from past project can be accessed via the EIAP Research Archive.


Dr. Christa Court, Director
1121 McCarty Hall B
PO Box 110240
Gainesville, FL 32611-0240
Phone: 352-294-7675