Dr. Gulcan Onel
Associate Professor of Economics
Dr. Onel's research and teaching programs focus on the areas of price and demand analyses in agribusiness; agricultural labor and rural well-being; and applied econometrics.
Dr. Onel's research in agricultural economics and agribusiness contribute to the understanding of how market frictions and economic policies affect price of and demand for agricultural commodities and inputs. Her second area of research explores immigration trends and policy affecting labor availability and rural well-being to inform policy and stakeholder decision-making.
She has led and taken part in interdisciplinary research projects with experts ranging across disciplines to develop solutions for the US agricultural sector. Dr. Onel was recognized nationally with the 'Interdisciplinary Research Leaders Award' for her interdisciplinary approach to applied economics research on the well-being of rural farm communities.
Research & Grants
Research Areas
Price and Demand Analyses; Agribusiness, Farm Labor and Rural Well-being; Applied Econometrics
- PI, USDA-NIFA, “Changing Labor Markets and Labor Risk Management: Decision-making Tools for Small- and Medium-sized Farms”, $499,660, 2021–2024.
- Co-PI, NSF, “FW-HTF-RL: Collaborative research: The Future of Remanufacturing: Human-Robot Collaboration for Disassembly of End-of-Use Products”, $3,000,000, 2020–2024.
- PI, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “A Rural State of Mind: Addressing Mental, Physical, and Economic Health of Farm Communities in Florida”, $350,000, 2018–2021.
- Co-PI, USDA-NIFA, “SmartPath: Grower-directed Convergence of Nanotechnology and Smart Decision Analytics for Irrigation Water Quality Management Related to Pathogens”, $5,000,000, 2018–2023.
- PI, University of Florida – Office of Research, “Implications of Shifting Migration Trends: Comparative Assessment of Social Networks, Health Status, and Productivity of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Migrant Farm Workers”, $84,000, 2019–2021.
- PI, CDC-NIOSH Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Safety and Health, “Uncovering Patterns of Mental, Physical and Occupational Health Issues among Migrant Farm Workers with Different Social Networks: A Pilot Study”, $17,000, 2018–2020.
- PI, University of Florida – IFAS, Early Career Scientist Seed Funding, “Creating Sustainable Workforce for Small Fruits and Vegetables Industry in Florida: The Impact of Federal Immigration Programs and Solutions to Labor Shortages, $49,999, 2015–2016.
Dr. Onel teaches both graduate level and undergraduate level courses in applied economics and econometrics. She also mentors graduate and undergraduate students.
Courses Taught at UF:
AEB 6933 Special Topics: Applied Time Series Econometrics (Ph.D.)
AEB 7572 Econometric Methods II (Ph.D.)
AEB 4931 Econometrics (Undergraduate)
AEB 4931 Advanced Agricultural Microeconomics (Undergraduate)
- Ph.D Economics, North Carolina State University, 2011
- Publications